Jon and his kids at Marsden Scouts cookout

Jon and his kids at Marsden Scouts cookout

My family and I live have lived in Logan for over twelve years, first in Marsden and now in Waterford West. Prior to being a Councillor I owned and operated an asbestos removal and demolition business. I sold my business in 2017 as I wanted to focus all my energy on being a Councillor.

I am a member of the Labor Party, but I am not an endorsed Labor candidate. Logan City Council is an independent Council without direct influence of any political parties. I have not and will not receive donations from the party.

I was elected as a Councillor in 2016 and I could never have imagined how rewarding the last four years have been. I’m proud to say I was one of the Councillors who did what was right last term and I was not charged with any crimes.

Working for the community is exactly why I wanted to become a Councillor. Whether it’s attending your clubs and special events, consulting on major park upgrades and traffic safety improvements, helping you navigate Council’s services, fighting for more facilities and fairer local laws or keeping you informed during flooding and storm events - I’ve enjoyed every moment of it.

At the next election Logan gets to turn over a new page and put the last couple of years behind us, we are all looking forward to a fresh start and my experience over the last four years means I’ll be able to hit the ground running. I loved serving the community as a Councillor and with your support I’d like to do so again in 2020.

I’ve spent the last four years learning the nuts and bolts of being a Councillor. I was the only first term Councillor to serve as a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson. I’ve learned about planning, governance, road and water infrastructure, community services, finance, environmental sustainability and economic development – these are the cornerstones of Council’s business and they are the services our community relies upon and expects.

On your behalf, I’ve built networks and connections through other levels of government, business and not-for-profit organisations and those relationship can be used to benefit our city and our community. I am your asset, you’ve invested in me these last few years and now I want to deliver for you.

The hardest part about going into Administration was knowing there was so much work that I still wanted to do in the 10 months before the election. You’ve probably seen some of it rolling out with upgrades to footpaths, kerb and channel, traffic safety and parks all happening in our area. But there is always more to be done and I am keen to do it in consultation and collaboration with you.

I know that the residents of Division 5 want a Councillor that works hard and is community focused. I’ve always done both, and I’d love to keep doing so in the future. I need two things from you to make that happen, your support now and your number one vote on polling day.

Give me a call if there’s something you want to bring to my attention. I’m out and about all the time so if you see me at the local shops, by the side of the road or knocking on doors please drop by and introduce yourself.

Or if you prefer you can follow me on Facebook to see what I'm up to in your local area.